Issue #3: Fall 2023

NOW AVAILABLE in two subscription options.

Subscribe now to receive the upcoming Fall 2023 Issue.


Please Note: Your first issue goes out with the next scheduled mailing. That means whatever day of the quarter you subscribe, your first issue will be the next quarter's issue (i.e., subscribing anytime between April 21 and June 20 (the Spring quarter)... your first issue will be the next quarter's issue, the Summer, which will ship end of June).


Hi friend,

For a moment, imagine a world where everyone is expressing themselves creatively and living the life they want. Do you think there would be wars? Do you think there would so much illness and mental health conditions?

Or do you think we'd have a population that is fulfilled, happy, and connected... the way we were meant to live.

Here's the deal, the only way to create this world is to start with you. Is to connect to your own creative energy, to express yourself, and to live the life you want.

XIX is the quarterly publication to do exactly these things for you.

Each physical (aka: paper + ink) issue contains:
- Inspiring stories, articles, and artwork to get your gears turning
- Suggested exercises and homework for you to uncover your true desires and take direct actions to alter your life
- Mini creative exercises to help you connect more deeply to your creative energy

These are my goals for you, and as a result, the world.

This is the publication that will change your life, if you let it.

There is a catch, your results will only come from taking the actions towards the life you actually want to be living. You are responsible to do the exercises, to look within, and allow yourself to do the things you want to do.

Better yet, the work in this publication is actually fun and exciting! Unlike therapy, shadow work, or ayahuasca.

Scroll through the first 10 pages of Issue 0, both to feel the FOMO of what you missed out on, and to fuel your excitement for the upcoming Spring Issue #1.

Want a taste? Here is what was inside the last Winter Issue

Let's Talk Money

Each issue is $25. That's $25 per quarter to dramatically change your life.

That's $8.33 per month. That's cheaper than Netflix... and what is Netflix doing to change your life?

You will be charged quarterly (every 3 months), and receive the latest issue in the mail each quarter.

Annual Subscription Option: Save 10% and pay $90 per year.

Deadline to subscribe for Summer Issue is June 20, 11:59pm EST.

How do I know this is for me? 

About the upcoming Summer 2023 Issue
Each quarterly issue is loosely themed on the season of the year. While the winter issue was about connecting to your deepest subconscious desires and start to put them into action... the summer issue will include themes of:

Balancing work and play, travel, vacation

Going out into the world and soaking it all in

Taking action on the seeds you planted in the Spring

Spending time offline and in nature, getting sunshine, feeling the warmth

There are also a handful of fun mini-creative prompts sprinkled throughout the issue.

In addition to the exercises and writing, there are features art works, photography, writings, and more.


Can I get this digitally?
No. XIX is only available as a physical copy. As a physical product, it will not get lost in your email or downloads folder. As a physical copy, you can carry it with your throughout the quarter, and keep it on your desk so it is top of mind and you actually get the benefits of working through the exercises. Also, each issue will have exercises within it for you to write, draw, and more within your copy.

When is a new issue published?
Each issue is published at the beginning of each season: Spring (March 20), Summer (June 21), Fall (September 23), Winter (December 21).

Which issue do I get first?
Once you subscribe, you will receive the next upcoming issue after the day you sign up. For example, if you subscribe on February 20th, you will receive the upcoming Spring issue when it is published on March 20th.

"Julian Castro has been instrumental in my blossoming as an artist. He helped me recognize my inner creator and how to nurture it to the point that now, my life has been deeply transformed. 

After working with Julian for a few months I started a band which turned into a music business that is currently thriving and growing. 

It wouldn’t have been the same or maybe even possible without him." 

-Ivan L.

You may be thinking, who are you and where did this come from?

I am Julian Castro, and for the last 8 years I have been on a relentless journey of reconnecting to my creativity and self expression. I have been unwaveringly committed to living the life that I want. I’ve invested pretty much all of my time and a lot of my money in these pursuits, and compared to a 4 year college degree, I basically have a PhD here. I also love to support others in the same pursuits.

XIX is all about helping readers connect to their creativity and self expression, and take actions in the direction of their deepest desires for life. 

I believe that being connected to one's creativity is a fundamental human need, and possibly even the root of all health and happiness. I just imagine that a society full of people connected to their creativity would be a pretty healthy and happy society.